Breathe Again Wellness

Inhaling Love, Exhaling Gratitude

At Breathe Again Wellness, I help individuals, couples, and groups relax, reduce stress, regain their health, and clear trauma through guided breathwork and sound healing.

Breathwork and sound healing improve physical and emotional stress in sessions that are typically 75-90 minutes.

I guide clients in a conscious connected breath practice, using guided imagery, music, and sound healing bowls, in order to activate the nervous system in different ways than we usually do.

This helps to reduce stress, regain health, and clear trauma.

Individual & Group Classes

Discover Your Breathe

“No matter how your life is today, breathing makes life better. That’s a strong statement. But from what I have seen in my own practice, and in our trainings, when people learn conscious connected breathing, life improves.”


– Anthony Abbagnano, Founder of Alchemy of Breath’s Breathwork Facilitator Training

Invitation to Join me in Healing

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